Discovering Drivel :)

I am just experimenting with Drivel, an gnome online/offline blog editor for Linux 🙂

If all goes well this should appear online! 🙂

edit: this should test the updates…. – google talk / pidgin problems fixed

Just a quicky,  to get working with pidgin:

1.  Enter your gmail address in

2.  In pidgin add as a buddy

3.  You will get an authorise request (or 4 🙂 ) just authorise the first one and give it a sane name like

4. Try sending it an IM,  this will probably fail with a message : [] Unknown user; go to to add your address to your account

5. Look at what username your message went from in my case it was

6. Pop back into the web page for IM settings and change your IM name to what ever it sent it as

7. You will get a message from saying basically click on this link to confirm your jabber id.

8. Click on it.

Done 🙂

Openmoko Freerunner WPA Wifi howto

‘ello again, after some head scratching and beer drinking and lots of trial and mainly error I have now worked out how to get my Freerunner to connect to my WPA network at home 🙂

This is a very rough guide and there is probably a much better way to do it 🙂 The better way is waiting until August for the ASU to be released with a decent tool for doing this automatically 🙂

All I know is that it is working here :)  Oh you will want to do this all over ssh btw 🙂

Step 1: vi /etc/network/interfaces and make the wireless section look like with the obvious bits modified:

# Wireless interfaces
iface eth0 inet dhcp
wireless_mode managed
wireless_essid **********PUT YOUR ROUTER'S ESSID HERE**************
wpa-driver wext
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Step 2: run wpa_passphrase followed by your essid so in my case:
wpa_passphrase 100acre
It will then ask you for your WPA key
It will return a block of code all we want from this is the line beginning psk= so copy that and paste it somewhere safe.

Step 3: edit your wpa_supplicant config file :
vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
and make it look like:

# File: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
psk=******put the output of wpa_passphrase here but no quotation marks*******

Step 4. Edit sysconfig for wpa_supplicant :
vi /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant
and make it look like:

# File: /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant

Step 5: There is no step 5

Step 6: ifup eth0

The first DNS request I made took aaaaages but eventually came back then after that it has been snappy 🙂
Have fun 🙂

Any corrections / ideas let me know 🙂 I know this is not perfect but it did get me online 🙂

Tig on Tour

Yep, I am going on tour 🙂

The plan is to jump on the ferry with the mighty “paw of doom” (mx5) some equipment (more to follow) and a map 🙂

Then come back about 10 days later 🙂

More to follow 🙂

What the hell is this insect?

Discovered in the kitchen, this is number two, number one got squished after it bit/stung.

It has two wings, they are translucent with a slight smoky band across them.

What am I?

Edit : Ok seriously impressed, posted it on :

Within 3 mins one of the members has possibly identified it as a spider hunting wasp, this was one of the possibilities for the one that got squished last night, googling for the specific variety suggested show pictures which look a bit like it, if it is one then I still suspect it is a juvenile and not fully grown, hence why it is walking everywhere and not flying around the glass 🙂

RT Command Line adding users

A while a go I needed to add a whole raft of users (about 400 or so 🙂 ) to our work RT system. Doing this manually had little appeal so I was looking for a scriptable way of doing it.

I found a script on the wiki ( ) but it only supported populating RT from /etc/passwd entires. So close and yet… so with a pointer or two from Bunty, my handy online Perl guru friend 🙂 I managed to use the existing script and bodge it to allow command line arguements 🙂

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# rtadduser: add a local user to RT
# David Maze
# $Id$
# Poorly modified by Tig to accept commandline arguments
# Known issues, will silently fail if a user already exists

push @INC,"/usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib/";
use lib "/usr/uns/lib";
use strict;
use English;
use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv);
use RT::User;
use Getopt::Long;

my ($user, $passwd, $email);

GetOptions (
"user=s" => \$user,
"email=s" => \$email,
"passwd=s" => \$passwd


print("Creating user with the following variables\n");
print("user : $user\n");
print("e-mail : $email\n");
print("password : $passwd\n");

my $UserObj = new RT::User(RT::SystemUser);
$UserObj->Create(Name => $user,
EmailAddress => "$email",
Privileged => 1,
Password => $passwd

print("If there was no error it possibly worked!\n");

To use this you will need Getopt::Long installed, usage is :

perl rtadduser -user=username -passwd=secretpassword

Oh and you will need to poke line 10 (the one with the path to for your distro.

I will put this onto the wiki soon, just needed to dump it somewhere indexable before I forget about it 🙂

Like a thingy from the wossname…

Right going to have another crack at putting stuff on here as I come across it.

TBH I only planned on this as just a dump for problems I come across that was indexed by search engines but I was busy with stuff and stopped putting stuff up.

Actually it was the fact that someone posted a comment on what I had thrown up last year had helped him has made me decide to try and get back into this 🙂