Ubuntu SSL Woes

If you are following an Ubuntu SSL tutorial and are wondering why apache2-ssl-certificate seems to be missing you can find the work around here : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/77675/comments/15

I hope they fix that for Gutsy 🙂

The Vista with many apologies to E.A.Poe

aOne night when I was weary,and the night was cold and dreary
Over the man pages of Vim an Emacs and their cryptic lore
Whilst I slumpt on the mousemat suddenly a polling,
As some client asking for an IP address at my chamber door.
‘Tis some client, I muttered tossing an IP at the door, polling at my chamber door,
only this and nothing more.

Fast forward :>>

And the client always flapping, like the users always weeping
at the network rules of gateway like portal door
and whilst the traffic is archaic and the protocol anarcic
the traffic will fail to flow without this stupid flaw
and my soul was rather lifted but saddened for the afflicted
to know that Vista does not work…
