What the hell is this insect?

Discovered in the kitchen, this is number two, number one got squished after it bit/stung.

It has two wings, they are translucent with a slight smoky band across them.

What am I?

Edit : Ok seriously impressed, posted it on : http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/forums/insects/23791-wasp-ant-bug-help-please.html

Within 3 mins one of the members has possibly identified it as a spider hunting wasp, this was one of the possibilities for the one that got squished last night, googling for the specific variety suggested show pictures which look a bit like it, if it is one then I still suspect it is a juvenile and not fully grown, hence why it is walking everywhere and not flying around the glass 🙂

RT Command Line adding users

A while a go I needed to add a whole raft of users (about 400 or so 🙂 ) to our work RT system. Doing this manually had little appeal so I was looking for a scriptable way of doing it.

I found a script on the wiki ( wiki.bestpractical.com ) but it only supported populating RT from /etc/passwd entires. So close and yet… so with a pointer or two from Bunty, my handy online Perl guru friend 🙂 I managed to use the existing script and bodge it to allow command line arguements 🙂

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# rtadduser: add a local user to RT
# David Maze
# $Id$
# Poorly modified by Tig to accept commandline arguments
# Known issues, will silently fail if a user already exists

push @INC,"/usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib/";
use lib "/usr/uns/lib";
use strict;
use English;
use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv);
use RT::User;
use Getopt::Long;

my ($user, $passwd, $email);

GetOptions (
"user=s" => \$user,
"email=s" => \$email,
"passwd=s" => \$passwd


print("Creating user with the following variables\n");
print("user : $user\n");
print("e-mail : $email\n");
print("password : $passwd\n");

my $UserObj = new RT::User(RT::SystemUser);
$UserObj->Create(Name => $user,
EmailAddress => "$email",
Privileged => 1,
Password => $passwd

print("If there was no error it possibly worked!\n");

To use this you will need Getopt::Long installed, usage is :

perl rtadduser -user=username -email=user@foo.com -passwd=secretpassword

Oh and you will need to poke line 10 (the one with the path to RT.pm) for your distro.

I will put this onto the wiki soon, just needed to dump it somewhere indexable before I forget about it 🙂

Like a thingy from the wossname…

Right going to have another crack at putting stuff on here as I come across it.

TBH I only planned on this as just a dump for problems I come across that was indexed by search engines but I was busy with stuff and stopped putting stuff up.

Actually it was the fact that someone posted a comment on what I had thrown up last year had helped him has made me decide to try and get back into this 🙂